Final Report
Publication date
Royal Commission

In their Final Report, titled Care, Dignity and Respect, Royal Commissioners the Hon Tony Pagone QC and Ms Lynelle Briggs AO called for fundamental reform of the aged care system.
The Final Report was presented to the Governor-General on 26 February 2021, and tabled in the Australian Parliament on 1 March 2021.
The Royal Commissioners made a total of 148 recommendations focused on a wide range of areas.
- Volume 1 provides the background to the Royal Commission’s inquiry, explains how it was conducted, presents a summary of the Final Report and lists all recommendations made.
- Volume 2 explores the current aged care system, problems of access, the nature and extent of substandard care and other systemic problems.
- Volume 3 outlines a new system for aged care, addressing access, governance, financing, workforce, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, regional, rural and remote Australia, disability, younger people in aged care, and more.
- Volume 4 provides a summary of Royal Commission hearings, held in centres across Australia, where themes, such as the use of restraints, end-of-life care and workforce matters in aged care were explored.
- Volume 5 comprises appendices including lists of witnesses, overviews of community forums, commissioned reports, a summary of the Commissioners’ international research, service provider visits, and more.